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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Behind the Scenes of a Bout

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         With the start of the bout season only less than a couple weeks away, this is a good time to remember that there are many people (really…a lot of people) who make a bout organized and entertaining to watch.   They are our unsung heroes.  Some of them may be significant others of skaters or really, really great friends.  Some may just be fans of the sport but prefer to lessen their risk of injury by helping out instead.  A lot of the volunteers are skaters who are getting their hands dirty to make sure everything is running smoothly.  I’d like to take a moment to shine a spotlight on the folks who work behind the scenes.
            Referees: Team Zebra makes sure we’re all playing nicely.  I assume professional sports have conditioned us to not be pleasant to the folks in stripes, but in derby we respect these guys and gals.  They take it upon themselves to read a 50-page rulebook and know it inside and out.  They can smell an illegal elbow to the face a mile away and they make sure they call us out on any other naughty things we may be doing on the track.  In a bout, there are five zebras so they can catch anything at any angle.  Two of the refs watch the jammers on the inside with one watching the pack from the inside while the two outside refs keep an eye on everything on the outside of the track.
            Non-Skating Officials: It takes a small army to be able to keep score, track penalties, time the skaters in the penalty box, help the outside referee relay penalties to the person who is keeping track of the penalties, time the jams, and let everyone know there is a time-out.  Without these fine people, how would we know the score?  Skaters would be skimping on their penalties…maybe. (Insert wink here.)
            So say you’re at one of our bouts and you find that you’re hungry?  Or maybe you think you would really like a t-shirt with the logo of our league on them?  We have people for that too.  From ticket sales at the door all the way to security and bake sales, there’s a list of jobs that volunteers can help with off of the track.  These friendly faces are working hard so you can have a good time. 
            Thanks to the folks who help make our bouts happen!  Also if you feel the track calling your name but would like to not risk the injuries, the refs and NSO’s will welcome you with open arms…and possibly a whistle.  Email us at to help out!

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