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Friday, February 10, 2012

A Word From the President

Greetings! Cali N. Tay here! I didn’t realize how difficult writing a derby blog at a level where the audience actually gets something out of. You see, the problem really lies within the fact that I am a fairly new skater. During my initial season, I managed to make the travel team and co-captain for an interleague team. While I grew up skating on paved sidewalks in sunny California, I never had derby experience, just unyielding drive to be the best skater and teammate I can be. So I’d like to make my first blog entry a list if you will, of what I found to be some of my biggest hurdles and how I overcame them as a skater. They may not all apply to you, but keep in mind as you read; my experience is based on my body’s stocky frame and position as a heavy blocker. Perhaps future jammer…who knows...
  1. GET YOUR BUTT IN SHAPE! –You owe it to yourself as well as your teammates to be in your best playing shape. Good old fashioned push-ups and sit-ups on a regular basis are excellent ways to strengthen your core, reducing injury and enhancing agility on the track.
  2. KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE!-We all have bad nights. Are you a slower skater like I was? Or are you, like me, the one always getting trapped? Everyone was there at some point. Be your own critic, yet realize your accomplishments as they happen. Recognize that you knocked off 3 seconds off your 25 in 5. As long as you push yourself to the nth power, you will always improve.
  3. GET YOUR BODY THERE!-I spent so much time in the box during my first season because I could not keep my elbows in. Not only was my timing off, but I was lunging to make any sort of contact with the opposite player resulting in flailing, desperate elbow penalties. I learned not to reach for my target but to physically get to and take my opponent’s position.
  4. KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL!-The last time I really got hurt, I got blind-sided because I was focusing too much on the jammer coming my way. In one second your skating status can be threatened by a heavy hitter having their way with you when you’re not looking. Watch out for every opponent, always buddy up and look out for one another.
  5. GET THE MOST OUT OF PRACTICE!-I’m guilty, I’ve been yelled at for talking during practice, having to ask my comrade next to, “Uh…What are we doing?” I love the social aspect of my league, but practice time is limited and expensive. Use it! You pay for it. Keep the work/derby biz and better yet the gossip off the track. Work up a sweat while you bond with your girls!
Take in this next season, whether it’s your first or fifth, it’s bound to be full of challenges and inspiration. Live it and embrace it all! The Brawlers have accomplished so much in so little time, with unwavering sportsmanship and dedication. Through all of your hard work it’s key to remember to HAVE FUN! I am one proud and confident teammate/President! Much Love skaters… Now let’s do this!

In Solidarity,

Cali N. Tay
President, Bay State Brawlers

1 comment:

  1. All excellent points....thank you for posting and for being an awesome teammate on and off the track! :)
